The project results and materials are now available also on ResearchGate. The project page features the Fellows’ collaborative work, training and career development outputs and results of their individual projects. Follow us!
Open Access course material fresh from the oven!
Marina Mora and Almudena Pino both apply bioinformatics and other computational methods in their research. In 2021 they teamed up with the IMIBIC Bioinformatics Unit to organise a beginners’ course in R for basic biostatistics. Skills in this area were…
European Researchers’ Night 2021 in pictures
Activities at IMIBIC Marina Mora from the IMIBIC group GC09 participated in the activities of 22nd of September organised at IMIBIC. The researchers and citizens worked around Type 2 Diabetes and the influence that diet and microbiota have on the…
The first IMIBIC-P2Med Fellows start their projects at IMIBIC
Seven researchers from Spain, Portugal, Cuba and India have been selected to join IMIBIC to carry out their research projects in personalised and precision medicine after a long evaluation and selection process. The first three of the selected Fellows,…
Selected Fellows
IMIBIC launched a call in October 2019 offering fellowships for recognised researchers (R2) of any nationality to carry out a project in any of the research areas of the institute and focusing on personalised and precision medicine. The selected fellows…