Open Access course material fresh from the oven!

Marina Mora and Almudena Pino both apply bioinformatics and other computational methods in their research. In 2021 they teamed up with the IMIBIC Bioinformatics Unit to organise a beginners’ course in R for basic biostatistics. Skills in this area were in high need at the institution. Marina and Almudena wished to improve their teaching skills and share their knowledge with the rest of the IMIBIC researchers and organised a hands-on course!

The course material is now available as an eBook, free of charge, and published by UCOPress.

The book offers extensive course material for beginners, including basic concepts of R, installation, and using common biostatistics models.

The book is also featured in the Horizon Results Platform, to make access to this training resource easier for any external stakeholder.

To contact the authors Marina, Almudena and Fernando for further information, please write to