The last IMIBIC-P2Med fellow joined the programme in May 2022. Silvia has enjoyed before an MSCA-Individual Fellowship in the same group since her return to IMIBIC in 2019. Most of the fellows are finishing their second year (Maribel, Marina, Almudena…
Conference on internationalisation
Our P2Med fellows were invited to participate in a conference organised by IMIBIC’s PhD Programme in Biomedicine. The aim was to promote and foster the internationalisation of the Programme, and it was targeted at PhD students from…
IMIBIC-P2Med programme featured in EU Research magazine
This autumn 2022 issue of the EU Research magazine includes an article about our Post-doc Programme IMIBIC-P2Med. We are halfway through our programme and all our fellows have started their research projects and training. We are pleased to have the…
New Review Article
Vaccination is widely considered one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine. Vaccines save millions of lives and protect millions more from getting sick. However, each year roughly three million individuals still die of vaccine-preventable diseases, including respiratory infections, tuberculosis,…
Follow us on ResearchGate
The project results and materials are now available also on ResearchGate. The project page features the Fellows’ collaborative work, training and career development outputs and results of their individual projects. Follow us!
Our first paper is out!
A recently published Open Access article represents the first demonstration that the plasma levels of miR-107 might represent a useful personalized diagnostic biomarker of prostate cancer since its levels are increased in plasma from prostate cancer patients compared with control…
Alexander Batista-Duharte guest editor of a special issue of Vaccines
Alexander Batista-Duharte has been invited as a guest editor of a special issue of Vaccines (ISSN 2076-393X), an Open Access journal of MDPI. The deadline for manuscript submissions is 31 March 2023. Dear Colleagues, Vaccine development has evolved from…
The sixth Fellow joins IMIBIC-P2Med
The sixth IMIBIC-P2Med Fellow, Silvia León Téllez, has returned to her “home group” at IMIBIC after having spent four years at the Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women’s Hospital – The Navarro Lab (Boston-Massachusetts, USA). She returned to Cordoba in 2019…
MultiQC tutorials in Spanish
MultiQC is an open-source tool developed by Phil Ewels, Lead for Bioinformatics developer at National Genomics Infrastructure, part of the Science for Life Laboratory in Stockholm. It aggregates results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report. Sounds…
Open Access course material fresh from the oven!
Marina Mora and Almudena Pino both apply bioinformatics and other computational methods in their research. In 2021 they teamed up with the IMIBIC Bioinformatics Unit to organise a beginners’ course in R for basic biostatistics. Skills in this area were…
Wrapping up 2021
The first IMIBIC-P2Med fellow joined IMIBIC in January 2021, and four more came on board throughout the year. While the first months were taken to adapt to the new workplace and prepare everything to get their research projects ongoing, the…
Meeting for International postdocs at IMIBIC
The IMIBIC-P2Med fellows were part of the Organising Committee of the first edition of the IMIBIC Meeting for International Postdocs, a hybrid meeting that was held at IMIBIC on the 20th December 2021. The objective of this new event was…
The IMIBIC-P2Med family grows – Welcome Alexander!
In October, we welcomed the fifth IMIBIC-P2Med Fellow to IMIBIC. Alexander Batista Duharte started his fellowship with the group GC01 Immunology and Allergy, led by Prof Rafael Solana who also acts as his supervisor. As a medical doctor, a specialist…
European Researchers’ Night 2021 in pictures
Activities at IMIBIC Marina Mora from the IMIBIC group GC09 participated in the activities of 22nd of September organised at IMIBIC. The researchers and citizens worked around Type 2 Diabetes and the influence that diet and microbiota have on the…
Nomad Scientists – Talk at ENABLE event by Marina Mora
Story by Marina Mora. I was invited to give a talk about my scientific career at the ENABLE Satellite event, organised at IMIBIC in May 2021. I gave my presentation the title “Nomad Scientists” because I consider mobility, as well…
A new player in our team!
The fourth IMIBIC-P2Med Fellow joined IMIBIC in March. It was the turn of André Morais Sarmento Borges Cabral to start his 3-year journey as a MSCA Fellow and member of the GC27 OncObesity and Metabolism research group. André will be…
ENABLE Career development session with our Fellows
Join our Fellows Maribel Martínez, Almudena Pino, André M. Sarmento B. Cabral, and Marina Mora at the ENABLE satellite session “Targeting translational biomedicine through interdisciplinary science” on 10th of May 2021. Four IMIBIC-P2Med Fellows will summarise their personal experiences as…
The first IMIBIC-P2Med Fellows start their projects at IMIBIC
Seven researchers from Spain, Portugal, Cuba and India have been selected to join IMIBIC to carry out their research projects in personalised and precision medicine after a long evaluation and selection process. The first three of the selected Fellows,…
Happy New Year 2021!
We have great reasons to say goodbye to 2020, and even greater reasons to welcome the new year 2021, as the awarded Fellows will start their projects at IMIBIC. The IMIBIC-P2Med Team wishes you health and success in research for…
Selected Fellows
IMIBIC launched a call in October 2019 offering fellowships for recognised researchers (R2) of any nationality to carry out a project in any of the research areas of the institute and focusing on personalised and precision medicine. The selected fellows…
Call Flash Info – Final results
In the second phase of the evaluation and selection process, 15 applicants who had passed the first phase remote evaluation, were interviewed. Applicant profiles 60% of the interviewed applicants were male and 40% female. Applicants in this evaluation phase were…
Updated calendar for the Evaluation and Selection Process
The coronavirus pandemic has caused a delay in the Evaluation and Selection process, and consequently will also delay the incorporation of the selected Fellows. The new estimated calendar for the remaining steps of the evaluation and selection process has been…
Call Flash Info
The IMIBIC-P2Med Call for proposals received 27 applications by the deadline 10th Jan 2020. Applicant profiles 44% of the applicants don’t have a PhD or are in their first 3 years of postdoctoral career stage, while 55% of the applicants…
IMIBIC-P2Med Call for proposals closed on 10th of January 2020
The Call for Proposals was successfully closed on Friday 10th Jan 2020. A summary of the call, including nr of received applications, will be published shortly. All received applications will be checked for eligibility and applicants informed via email. Status…
Holiday greetings from the IMIBIC-P2Med team
Call for Proposals is now open
The IMIBIC-P2Med Call for Proposals is now open. Applications for the fellowships can be submitted until the 10th of January 2020 (midnight CET). Detailed information about the application process, required documentation, and selection and evaluation process can be found on…
Updates on the website
As the Call opening is approaching, new information is now available on the website: Partner Organisations – New groups available for hosting Descriptions and contact details of several research groups belonging to BIB (Bioinformatics Barcelona Association) have been included in…
Application documents have been published
The Guide for Applicants, CV template and Project proposal template have been published. The Guide for Applicants includes detailed information to help researchers to complete their application. The CV and project proposal must use the provided templates.
The programme launch attracts media’s attention
News in Spanish in local and national media: Córdoba Buenas Noticias: IMIBIC Córdoba presenta un programa internacional para Investigadores en medicina personalizada y de precisión Córdoba Hoy: IMIBIC lanza un nuevo programa para la investigación en medicina personalizada de precisión…
Our website is live!
We celebrate the launch of the programme website The website includes all details about the programme; the fellowships characteristics, eligibility of researchers, information about the evaluation and selection process, and much more. The Call for Proposals will open in…
IMIBIC obtains H2020 funding to incorporate postdoctoral researchers
IMIBIC’s Fellowship Programme for Personalised and Precision Medicine has been awarded with funding by the H2020 MSCA-Cofund 2018. The Call for proposals will open in October, and allows IMIBIC to hire at least 6 researchers for contracts of up to…